The Best Oral Health Tips for 2020 and Beyond

Foods That Help with Oral Health
People tend to focus on toothpaste and rinses when trying to update their oral health routine and when they want to reverse the issues they are having with their oral health. Although those are a core part of your oral health plan, we also need to look to other sources. What we eat is as important as how we handle our dental care routine. Here are some foods that help with oral health.
“An apple a day will keep the doctor away” is an old adage, but the truth is it may actually keep the dentist away! But did you know that they can also improve your oral health?
Apples are considered Mother Nature’s toothbrush. They help remove plaque, acids, bacteria, build-up on teeth, and more. That isn’t a replacement for toothpaste but having an apple after your meal may be very helpful to your teeth. An apple will help remove debris and can get you by until you can brush your teeth. As a bonus, apples are healthy for your body and are a great way to help keep sweet cravings down.
Greek Yogurt
You may not think of Greek yogurt as being good for your oral health, but the truth is it can be fantastic for you because of the large amount of calcium it contains. By having just one cup of yogurt a day you can ensure that you are getting the calcium you need for strong teeth. It also introduces good bacteria into the body that can help break down acids and other debris that may remain on your teeth and cause problems later.
Carrots can reduce tooth decay and cavities, thus improving oral health; the trick is when to eat the carrots. You should eat carrots at the end of a meal to help aid in saliva production. Saliva helps remove debris from your mouth so it can be digested in the body then removed with other toxins. Not only do carrots help with this at the beginning of the process, but the fiber in the carrots also helps move the toxins completely through the body.
Most of these foods are easy to find and integrate into your daily routine. Ideally, you want to focus on your enamel and tooth health (oral health) and reduce the sugars and acids that can cause tooth decay and breakdown.
Herbs for Natural Dental Care
Making the switch to natural care products is easy when you are talking about cleaning your home. It can be difficult when you look for dental-care products that can improve your oral health. Many people of discovered that herbs can be used as a natural alternative for dental care. When using herbs, make sure what you are using is natural, organic, and safe to swallow. If you are going for natural herbal dental care, here some options you should focus on and why they are good.
Goldenseal is an herb that is native to North America. The problem is that it may be a bit difficult because it is listed as an endangered plant. Goldenseal, used primarily for its antibiotic qualities, is used to treat gum disease and gum pain.
Peppermint is very easy to grow indoors and outdoors. It is the main ingredient for freshening your breath and can be used to make homemade mouthwashes. If you use it in mouthwash, try to make a tincture first, then add it to your normal mouth rinse. This will make it more powerful because of the oils from the herbs, which is an awesome way to improve your oral health.
The great thing about plantain is that it is likely already in your own backyard. It may even find it on a nature trail while you are out and about. Plantain is a green leafy plant that is used for healing wounds. The best way to use it is to put the plant in a small container full of vodka. Place the bottle in a cool and dark place for at least 6 weeks. At the end of the 6-week period, strain the vodka and dispose of the leaves. Use the vodka as a mouth rinse or as a tincture that is applied directly to the source of the pain.
People generally think of sage as something you cook with. While it is delicious in many dishes, it can also help greatly with your dental care and pain because sage is a natural astringent. What this means is it can reduce inflammation and pain, and it is a gentle soothing agent for a sore mouth following oral surgery.
Holistic Remedies for Tooth Pain
Tooth pain can leave you feeling miserable because it can make your entire face and head hurt. Your face feels swollen, sore, and that can lead to tension in the neck and can cause migraines. Severe tooth pain may even be so severe that you need emergency assistance and possibly even surgery. If you are experiencing tooth pain that can wait a few days until you can see a dentist, then natural methods of pain reduction are the way to go. Here are a few of those methods for reducing pain and improving your oral health.
Clove Oil
Clove oil is the go-to holistic remedy for tooth pain. It pops up on nearly every search for how to stop toothaches. Clove oil, in pure essential form, will numb the painful area and reduce infection. It will stop the inflammation, reduce the pain, kill the bacteria, and give you some relief without the use of dangerous and often addictive painkillers and chemicals.
The trick is to get a therapeutic-grade oil. This is something you do not want to skimp on. A good way to make sure you are getting pure oil is to look for dark bottles and the Latin name of the plant or herb on it.
Black Tea Bag
If you drink organic black tea, it is likely that you already have it in your pantry right now. If you are like me, you never imagined that it would be good for your oral health! A black tea bag or loose-leaf black tea can help with inflammation and can reduce some of the pain you are feeling. If you are using loose-leaf tea, you will need a muslin tea bag. If you are using a bagged tea, then you are ready to go.
Simply brew the tea and allow it to cool slightly. What you are trying to do is release the tea and make it easy to place on your tooth. Next, place the tea bag on your tooth and allow it to sit for several minutes. Do this several times a day to keep the pain down.
Bourbon and Cotton
It may sound strange to bring alcohol into the mix, but alcohol actually has several medicinal properties and one of those is to reduce pain. It has been used for centuries to reduce pain and even during emergency surgeries. If the clove oil and tea bags are not working, or you have neither in the house then consider bourbon and cotton.
Take a cotton ball and soak it in bourbon then place the cotton ball on the painful area. This will disinfect the area and help reduce the inflammation. It also numbs the nerves, which reduces pain.
Keep in mind that although these methods can improve your oral health, none of these methods are meant for severe issues such as an abscess. If you notice that you are having issues with foul-tasting fluid or drainage from the infected area or if you are feeling light-headed and dizzy, you need to seek immediate emergency medical care. These remedies are meant to be used to help you get by until professional assistance is available.
Natural Remedies for Gingivitis
Gingivitis is swelling of the gums. Several factors play into what causes it. It can be very painful and you can end up with bleeding gums, pain in your mouth, and continued issues with tooth pain and decay. You may be wondering if and how you can reverse gingivitis.
Well, you have a few options, which include medications and medicated oral-care products. Another option is to go with a natural remedy. Below are a few of the natural options you may want to try.
Coconut Oil Pull Routine
One of the ways that you can combat gingivitis is to start a coconut oil pull routine. The oil pull is called that because it pulls the toxins, bacteria, and debris away from your teeth and gums. By removing the build-up of bacteria, germs, toxins, and other debris, you are helping to reduce the very things that can cause gingivitis and cause it to be worse.
A big benefit of the oil pull routines is that you are not brushing the area with harsh abrasives or chemicals, but you are still getting the area clean.
Saltwater Rinse
Following your coconut oil pull routine, you should lightly brush your teeth with a gentle brush and then rinse your mouth with a warm saltwater rinse. The saltwater rinse will help soothe any inflammation and sore areas in your mouth. This can be vital since the major problem with gingivitis is the swelling and inflammation of the gums.
Turmeric Paste
One method that some people use to treat with gingivitis is a turmeric paste. Turmeric is an anti-inflammatory herb that you can use in two different ways. The first is to make a paste from the turmeric and then use it directly on your teeth. This can cause massively stains on your teeth, so you will have to follow it with a whitening option of some sort. There are several steps to this method, but it does work.
The easier option is to make the turmeric paste, which is simply turmeric powder and water that is boiled and cooked to a peanut butter-like paste. Put a quarter of a teaspoon of the paste into warm nut-based milk then drink the mixture at least once a day to help reduce inflammation and pain in the mouth.
Clove Oil
In some cases, you may have localized pain in certain parts of the mouth. Your jaw may hurt, or a specific tooth may ache, etc. The easiest way to naturally take care of this aspect of gingivitis is to use clove oil on that spot if it is still hurting after your oral care routine.
You can use these options together, one at a time, or on a trial basis to see which works best for you. Keep in mind that there are some over-the-counter natural or organic options available as well.
Make sure if you purchase premixed natural gingivitis remedies that you are going with Vegan options to ensure you are getting not only organic products but truly natural plant-based ones as well.
Natural Ways to Whiten Your Teeth
Whitening your teeth can be an expensive venture. To commit to a professional tooth-whitening routine, you may have to pay for routine visits to your dental office. If you want to do it from home, you may have to purchase several kits. Both options use chemical bleaches of some sort, and they are both from natural options.
If you want to avoid the chemicals and keep your costs down, you may want to go with some natural teeth whitening methods. Here are a few to consider.
Baking Soda
Baking soda is an inexpensive and natural option that can be used for many things around your home from cleaning to even stopping odor. You can use it in your oral care routine by simply adding it to a natural toothpaste.
Make your toothpaste by adding two parts of coconut oil, one-part baking soda, and a few drops of your favorite flavored essential oil. The oil helps cut down on the harsh abrasiveness of the baking soda and helps hydrate the gums. The baking soda will help to work away plaque and toxins, remove them from your teeth, and whiten the enamel. Use this in place of your normal toothpaste.
Coconut Oil Pulling
Another use for the coconut oil pull is it helps whiten your teeth. This is not as quick using baking soda, but the benefit to it is that it is not abrasive like the baking soda. When you use an oil pulling method, you are breaking down toxins and bacteria that can build up on your teeth and cause staining. This means that you are, in effect, whitening your teeth through the process.
When you brush your teeth, you remove the remaining oil residue and rinse away everything else. This cleans your teeth, removes toxins, and leaves you with whiter teeth over time without causing tooth sensitivity or enamel breakdown.
Charcoal Toothpaste
Charcoal toothpaste is a great way to whiten your teeth. The charcoal powder can be used directly on your toothbrush and applied to your teeth. The charcoal will break up bacteria, toxins, and stain-causing agents then will remove them from your teeth.
Make sure that you rinse for a long time afterward to remove all the charcoal powder from your mouth and teeth. Also, keep in mind, this will stain clothing as well as your brush so do be careful when using it.
Keep in mind that you need to focus not only on whitening your teeth but keeping an eye on your teeth as well. Make sure you are taking notice if you start to feel sensitivity to cold or warm foods, if you notice inflammation of the gums, or if you notice other issues. Stop your routine and seek a dental professional if any of these issues occur.
Recipes for Homemade Toothpaste
There are tons of recipes out there for making your own toothpaste. Finding them is easy. Figuring out how to do is to put them together and which one is best for you may not be as simple. If you are looking for simple go-to recipes for your homemade kinds of toothpaste that don’t have too many ingredients and that work for various issues, then the following recipes may be ideal for you.
Basic Toothpaste
The first recipe, and probably the most important one, is for the basic toothpaste. This is the recipe you will use as a base for any toothpaste you make at home. You will need coconut oil or some other oil that becomes solid when cooled. You will also need baking soda. The ideal mixture is to take four parts of the coconut oil and mix it with one part of baking soda.
You can also add essential oils like cinnamon or peppermint for taste. Heat the mixture over a double boiler until the baking soda is completely dissolved into the oil. Whip the mixture with a whisk to keep the baking soda from settling to the bottom. Use it like any other paste. It is safe for daily use.
Charcoal-Whitening Toothpaste
If you want to whiten your teeth, then you will love this simple paste mixture. Just use your regular recipe for a basic toothpaste and add one to four capsules of charcoal. This will help whiten your teeth, grab and pull out the stains, and reduce bad breath. The easiest way to add charcoal to the paste is by using capsules. Just open them and dump the charcoal into the regular basic toothpaste then mix well.
Sore-Mouth Toothpaste
If your mouth is sore, then you will want to use essential oil to help with the pain and the inflammation. Take the basic toothpaste and add it. You can also add sage oil or any other essential oil or herbal tincture that helps reduce inflammation. If the pain is coming from the gums, consider adding a fine grain salt that is iodine-free.
Gingivitis-Fighting Paste
If you are experiencing problems with gingivitis, then consider an oil-pulling paste. This isn’t really a paste so much as it is an oil-pulling mixture that is specifically made for gingivitis. Use the same base paste mixture and add Goldenseal as a tincture. Use one tablespoon of this paste then swish it in your mouth like with the oil-pulling option.
The added benefit of each of these homemade toothpaste recipes is that they are simple to make and use. You have your basic toothpaste, your whitening option, and your tooth-pain option. You can find all the ingredients easily and you can make several batches at once from one large purchase.