You Are What You Eat! {5 Critical Nutrition Hacks You’ll Love}

You Are What You Eat
You’ve certainly heard that expression many times but have you ever really thought about what it means? And do you think about it when you’re making food choices? If not, you should.In some ways, we do become what we eat, literally. Have you ever seen an example of your blood plasma after eating a fast-food hamburger? What was previously a clear liquid becomes cloudy with the fat and cholesterol that’s absorbed from eating a high-fat hamburger. This is a rather disgusting example, but it is true!
The Benefits of Healthy Eating
So, if this old adage is true, do we also become what we don’t eat? When we switch from a meat-based diet to a plant-based diet and lifestyle, we become less fat and less prone to many types of cancers and our cholesterol levels decline. When we’re leaner and when we are eating fewer animal products, we feel better and we reduce the number of health problems we experience. For example, the incidence of Type II diabetes is reduced and our blood pressure falls into normal ranges. Additionally, when you’re healthier, you’re taking fewer medications. Even if you have a prescription drug benefit in your health plan, you’re still saving money by having fewer co-payments for medications.Family Health Problems
If you have a family history of high cholesterol or high blood pressure, then it’s particularly incumbent on you to revise your eating habits. Moving towards a more vegetarian diet has been shown statistically to reduce the incidence of so many of the diseases (like diabetes) of industrialized countries. Vegetarians are statistically healthier than omnivorous persons; they’re leaner and they live longer.
Time to Start Eating HealthilyIsn’t it time to think about what you want to be and then adjust your diet accordingly? Do you want to be sluggish and fat? Do you want the risk that goes with eating animal products, with their high-fat content? Or do you want to look like and be what vegetarians are? Leaner and fitter with a longer anticipated lifespan. It’s never too late to change what you’re doing and increase your chances for a longer, fitter life.
The Plant-Based Diet and Vegetarian Options Consider a plant-based diet. This diet focuses on eating whole foods, which are vegetables, fruit, grains, nuts, beans, and legumes. With these foods, you get more nutrients than you do in processed foods with less of the junk that makes you ill. The plant-based diet is easy to follow and has so many delicious choices.You will find 58 different plant-based recipes, two 7-day meal plans, and grocery lists in the Ultimate Plant-Based Recipe Collection. Many of these healthy meals are quick and easy to make and can be prepared ahead of time. It makes it so easy to monitor your food intake. If you are making food at home, you know exactly what goes in the dish and you can keep out the harmful additives and chemicals that are so often found in the processed foods you get while eating out.
Another step you can take in eating healthy is to focus on using organic foods. These foods are grown naturally, without harsh chemicals. Farmers are closely monitored and must use fertilization and pest control techniques that do not use chemicals. They are also not allowed to genetically modify any of their crops. Everything they produce is natural, and clean.
Monitor Your Food Intake: Avoid Genetically Modified FoodsAvoid genetically modified (GMO) foods, which are those that farmers grow or raise and treat with drugs and other chemicals to alter them so they grow bigger and stronger. Unfortunately, those drugs and chemicals are passed on to you when you consume the plants or animals. The result is you become fatter and you can also experience other health problems from those agents that are foreign to your body. You must monitor your intake and ensure the foods don’t contain GMOs.
Eat Healthily, Be HealthyYou MUST monitor your food intake to ensure you are eating the healthiest foods you can. Only consume foods that are good for you. Avoid harsh chemicals and additives. Buy organic foods, and monitor your food intake.
Be happy. Be healthy. BeorganicallYou!